Cap & Traitors

Tom Perriello This is the challenge of our time. The jobs opportunity, the national security challenge, the scientific challenge of our era.
Virginia House Representative HD-5
Virginia House Representative HD-5

Frank Kratovil I think we need to work to advance renewable energy standards that make sense — that create jobs, reduce our crippling dependence on hostile foreign regimes for oil, and protect our environment for future generations — with little to no cost for the average energy consumer in the 4th CD.
Maryland House Representative HD-4
Maryland House Representative HD-4

Betsy Markey I'm proud to be fighting in Congress to protect the bay, encourage a new green energy economy, and finally take real steps to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
Colorado House Representative HD-1
Colorado House Representative HD-1

Harry Teague Crack down on global warming and protect the the environment that our children and their children will inherit.
New Mexico House Representative HD-2
New Mexico House Representative HD-2

John Hall It's time for Congress to move straight ahead with the issue of global warming, and I'm confident that significant progress can be achieved.
New York House Representative HD-19
New York House Representative HD-19

Paul Kanjorski We need to begin the process of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, creating clean energy jobs in America, and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
Pennsylvania House Representative HD-11
Pennsylvania House Representative HD-11

Baron Hill Ending our dependence on foreign oil and using renewable energy to help fight global warming will make our nation stronger.
Indiana House Representative HD-9
Indiana House Representative HD-9

Carol Shea-Porter I'm one of the majority of Americans who believe the science. I voted for my children's future and yours, and I am proud that this Congress said yes to a better future for all Americans.
New Hampshire House Representative HD-1
New Hampshire House Representative HD-1

Loenard Boswell I believe the science is clear: carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to unprecedented climate changes. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned repeatedly that unless the industrial world acts soon, projected increases in emissions over the next fifty years will lead to drastic ecological changes, endangering countless species and human health.
Iowa House Representative HD-2
Iowa House Representative HD-2

Jerry McNerney Climate change is one of the most important issues facing our country. In fact, if left unchecked, climate change will seriously harm our environment, our economy, and our way of life, threatening our ecosystem and the availability of fresh water for drinking and agriculture.
California House Representative HD-11
California House Representative HD-11

Bill Foster We must aggressively combat climate change, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and promote cleaner and more economical sources of energy.
Illinois House Representative HD-14
Illinois House Representative HD-14

Ron Klein This bill will strengthen our national security, lower energy costs, create jobs, and reduce our impact on global warming.
Florida House Representative HD-22
Florida House Representative HD-22

Phil Hare The overwhelming scientific consensus is that global warming is real, it is a threat, and a failure to act soon will leave our children in a very dangerous world.
Illinois House Representative HD-17
Illinois House Representative HD-17

Martin Heinrich This bipartisan group of wildlife and conservation leaders share my strong belief that we must do more to fight climate change and protect our planet for generations to come.
New Mexico House Representative HD-1
New Mexico House Representative HD-1